ThranduilBOT — Yesterday at 10:42 PM Nothing made a sound within the Kings throne chambers, for nothing dared to. You see the king has been in a whirlwind of a mood as of late. His son going off not knowing what has becomer of him, though their enemy is destroyed for good this time. He still worried for his child, though he hardly shown him the love he so deserved. A heavy sigh escaped the kings chest as his piercing ocean eyes looked to the tree above him. Mind raced with the memories of younger years. A young Legolas running around the halls, laughing, playing. Yet when the time he grew to resemble his mother. Anger rose, he lost her. He lost... her. Shaking his thoughts he rose from his chair and strode down the steps. His appearance alone was a site to see, the beauty that radiated off his frame, the intimidation that bore from his eyes as he didn't even bother to look at anyones way as he passed. To him, they were nothing. "IS there any news of my son?" Hios voice rang a loud, echoing through the halls. Only the sound of a startled soldier echoed before a weak response. "No my King... not as of yet..." The soldier looked down in worry, but instead the king turned from him and walked to stand at the front gate. His arms crossed behind his back, his broad eyes blazing with more desire to find his son. He lost his love, he wouldn't lose his son to. @Elurielle
Elurielle — Yesterday at 10:51 PM Elurielle and her companions were following Legolas and his men thru the woods. As she looked upon Legolas, something about him, caused her great pain in her mind. She did her best to hid this from Legolas. Her companions knew of her treacherous plight, the nightmares that wrought her with such horrid painful headaches. The female brunette elf would start to sing quietly to distract Elurielle's thoughts. It has worked many times before. Wynter, Elurielle's elk mount, was magical. He had healing abilities, so she recovered almost instantly from the pain. The air was brisk, the wind chilling, but the tales that Legolas was telling them was more than sufficient to keep them warm with excitement. He was a most impressive young male elf, and she was not sure why but she felt compelled to save him from death. Rarely was she able to do such, yet it had worked and not crippled her. Odd. Her bright blue eyes lit up as they approached their destination.. (done)
LegolasBOT — Yesterday at 10:52 PM "My home"
Elurielle — Yesterday at 10:52 PM
"It's as impressive as you are. "
LegolasBOT — Yesterday at 10:53 PM "My Father will be most please to meet you. And more so once I tell him of your heroic deed in saving his son's life."(ok, now done)
ThranduilBOT — Yesterday at 11:01 PM A deep rage was building within his chest as he had turned and left the gate, to only walk to the armory and gather his weapons. Yet the sound of the horns, oh those sweet horns, his son had returned. Removing what armour he had on, he rushed to the gate. His son was just in view, but he had someone else with him? His aguard was up, as he took one deep breath and walked from his palace. Legolas, cin've returned. Welcome bar, but who na- hi cin gar- with cin?" (Legolas, you've returned. Welcome home, but who is this you have with you?) He asked curiously. His head tilted slightly as his brow raised, his hand on the hilt of his sword as he watched them draw near. His senses were alive, but hardly worked as they should. Thanks to the dragon fire that took what flesh he had from his face, he was not at his best. Not anymore. Yet he still held his crown. His eye adjusted to the suns rays, spotting the three. One atop of an... elk?! No... it couldn't be? He felt a pain shoot through his chest, his left hand drew to his chest as he felt the air being ripped from his lungs. No.. It's not her. She's gone... She's gone.. His mind raced once again, but he gathered himself and placed a rather firm and domineering look upon his facade. @Elurielle (edited)
Elurielle — Yesterday at 11:10 PM Suddenly she felt quite nervous. She raised the cloak as a sign of respect for Legolas' father. She was not aware that he was the king and Legolas his son, a prince. Though the sight of Thranduil as they moved closer was wreaking havoc upon her mind. She shook the feelings as best she could, lowering her gaze to his feet so as not to be tormented. She was reeling with questions in her mind. Why were the headaches getting worse, was it because she was so far from Mordor? Was it a sickness upon her mind that was getting worse and was going to kill her? That is what she thought it was. A disease of some ilk eating at her mind. Her mount stopped. Wynter was sensing danger and would not move. He spoke to her in her mind that he was worried. The elf at the entrance was about to draw a sword. She told him to move forward, but slowly. Something was amiss, she felt it as well. Her eyes widened as she saw the look on Legolas' father's face. "Legolas, why does your father look angry?"
LegolasBOT — Yesterday at 11:12 PM (speaking in Sindarian) "Father, all is well! I bring guests and great news!" He has noticed that Elurielle's mount had slowed to fall behind him a few feet, so he looked to her and waved her to come forward, then he dismounted. He moved to greet his father with a huge smile and excitement upon his face. (done)
ThranduilBOT — Yesterday at 11:19 PM
Though he was happy to see his son, he only extended his right arm to embrace his son. Cin disregard nin question, who are hain a whui did cin tul- hain hi? Hain are strangers! " You disregard my question, who are they and why did you bring them here? They are strangers!) He spoke. Though he held a flat tone, he indeed was not pleased by his son at this time. Dismissing him to the side for a moment, he walked the rest of the distance. His hand had since been removed from the hilt of his sword, but he held his dominating look, the aura around him screamed power and control. Elegance and might, a powerful combination. He stopped to allow the elk to approach, but as he did his own steed approached to his side. Calm, calm hi nin mellon." (Calm, calm now my friend.) The elk seemed to snort and paw at the ground, which made him react in a manner he was not expecting. Hopeful. "Where did you come by this creature?" @Elurielle
LegolasBOT — Yesterday at 11:24 PM
"Father! She saved my life! She is to be our guest! I was attached by bandits, several of them, she and her..." Legolas stopped speaking as his father moved toward the young elf female upon the elk.
Elurielle — Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Wynter, again, sensed the aggression from the elven male and moved backward, speaking again in Elurielle's mind. "He is dangerous, Missy. Be careful." Elurielle was taken aback at this aggression toward her. She lifted her head to gaze at him, and that did it. The pain was overwhelmingly agonizing, she lifted her hand to her head, her eyes closed in obvious pain, then she began to fall off the elk as she fainted. The male elf traveling with her, dismounted and was hurrying to get to her, but Thranduil was clearly closer. "M'lady, wake up!! Please catch her!!" He glared at Thranduil. (done)
ThranduilBOT — Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Seeing the pain she had suddenly taken hold, he had heard his sons words as he walked away. With one quick stride, he caught her with no effort. His hand covering her eyes, his head covering her from the suns light. "Inside, quickly. She reeks of Mordor. Spy no less!" He was not trusting, but something in his told him to care. To care at this moment. "We need to get her to the healer, then she can tell us what she and her. Companions. Are doing here. Guards!" He declared yet as he spoke he was already swiftly in the safety of his walls. He was wasting no time in getting her to the medical ward. Rushing in, he nodded as some of the healers quickly removed her from his arms. "Tell me when she wakes. I have questions." He said, though his gaze was soft he was now at a loss of words. She looks so much like her, everything around him now seemed to vanish. How? Shaking his head, he grabbed a chair and sat by her bed. "Never mind, work around me." He spoke. One of the healers was about to speak, but by his sudden hatred expression she was silenced. The healers got to work, chanting and mixing herbs to calm her mind. "M'lord... she has the illusion of Mordor...""I know... be rid of it. NOW!" @Elurielle
July 6, 2023
Elurielle — Today at 10:01 AM Galadhorn & Estelwen, her two companions dismounted as Thranduil caught Elurielle in his arms, but were far behind as he had remarkable speed in moving toward the entrance and to get her aid. As they approached the entrance, the guards stopped them both, but Legolas, who also was following his father spouted as he passed them. "Keep them inside the hall for now!" He looked to them both with suspicion. "What ails her? I want the truth! There is a darkness upon her mind and it lingers there. Is taking her life?" Galadhorn & Estelwen relinquished their weapons to the guards with a lot of trepidation, though they hoped that the Elven King would help their friend. They knew of Thranduil, but had not known or met Legolas. They put it all together that Legolas was the prince. Galadhorn spoke up. "We do not know, she was plaqued with nightmares and mild headaches but they were not so debilating. Seems once she left Mordor they have increased. We do not know more, but she stated that images in her dreams of faces caused her much pain. Please if your father can help her, we shall do all we can to help as well. She is a wonderful, caring elf and we want her healed." Estelwen also had to ask. "Did your father recognize her? She does seem to be having some memory issues as well perhaps that will help, but please, PLEASE save her!" Legolas narrowed his eyes. "If she brings a sickness from Mordor to spread across our land, my father will smite it and her to protect his people!" He did not answer the elven female, instead instructed the guards to keep them there until he returned, then headed toward the ward. He was not as upset over this as his father. And for his father to show such emotion and confusion, really upset and intrigued him.
Upon arriving to the medical ward, the healers were informing Thranduil that they did all they could. The darkness upon her mind was beyond their abilities, but physically she was alright and should wake soon. Legolas stood silently as they spoke to the King awaiting his response to them before he would ask questions. (done) @Thranduil
ThranduilBOT — Today at 12:44 PM
His eyes remained locked within their place, he was watching her every move. Recalling every thing that passed through his memories, yet here she was now. His brow forward, his hands clamped together pressing against his lips as he remained silent. He watched his healers do their work, yet not being able to remove it. Now he was slightly annoyed, raising from his chair he moved past each one. His left hand extended, eyes looking over her body as his fingers gently and softly traced along her head. His words, soft, gently and kind as he whispered in her ear. He was chanting, something of an elder language not normally used. Long forgotten after the second age, last spoken words of Valinor before it’s demise. There were few secrets he knew and kept to himself, but in releasing his magic he had managed to place a small grip on her pain. Transferring half of it to himself, he winced slightly at the newfound pain traveling through his body to his mind. His eyes seemed to cloud for a brief moment, but he regained his composure. ”She will wake with the new Dawn, her head will still hurt her but she should be able to deal with the pain.” His voice seemed to shake, his eyes holding a deep magic behind them to shield from the rest. ”Legolas, make sure her companions are fed and sheltered. Give them a bed, but keep them guarded. I don’t want anyone sneaking around again… Mister Baggins made me realize… I need to have this more guarded.” Recalling the hobbits escape from his palace, though commending of his bravery and wits. He was still very displeased by his own men, how could they?! Shaking his head now was not the time to be dabbling over old memories. Now he had something else to attend to. @Elurielle
LegolasBOT — Today at 2:12 PM
He watched his father silently from the doorway, knowing and sensing that this was no ordinary situation or healing. Yet why was his father so emotional, intense and determined? His father had withdrawn from those outside of the Woodland Realm, he only tended to and cared about his people within, yet this.. something was different. His father had also buried all of his emotions, and yet, Legolas thought he saw tears forming in his father's light blue eyes. He snapped out of his thoughts as his father began to softly whisper a chant. He watched in amazement, he had never known of this. He looked up to his father and thought that he was amazing and once again, he his father revealed a talent he not of. He looked to his father as he spoke to him of the companions. "Yes, Father. I shall tend to it immediately, then I wish an audience with you promptly. I am most concerned." His father nodded to him, and Legolas left. The companions, Galadhorn & Estelwen, were given a meal and a place to rest that was well guarded.
Elurielle — Today at 2:18 PM Elurielle's breathing was labored from the pain that was still coursing thru her mind. The healers had no impact on it. She would show signs of pain and discomfort as she slept or was unconscious, whichever it was, she was clearly struggling. When Thranduil chanted softly into her ears, his words were like a cushion whirling into her mind, caressing it, covering it, softening the pain. Her reaction to it showed, her struggling was less and her facial expression looked much less stressed. She appeared to be resting now. Outside, her elk, Wynter, was wanting entrance to the palace. He was not being aggressive or dangerous, but he was pushing to get in. He was upset because he could only hear chaos and fear in her mind. He knew something was wrong. The guards might notice that this unusual elk seemed to understand what they were saying. (done) @Thranduil