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Awake but still no answers! (7/6/23)


ThranduilBOTYesterday at 5:51 PM His hand covered his head as how brow pushed forward, fingers covering his eyes from the pain he now shared with her. He could hear the rattling of his guards, keeping the beast at bay. Rising up he winced, gripping his head before he started to slowly walk to speak to the creature. ”Calm brother calm… she is at peace for the moment.” she said raising both hands to try and comfort the beast, his eyes searching before he could tell he understood what was happening. Or at least understands what is happening. Hair was drew back behind his shoulders, hands held below his eyes to show he was no threat to him. Yet just after he spoke, the call of his steed echoed. Turning his head he smiled as his own beast walked over, lowering his head to allow himself to brush his hand over the great elks head. ”She is resting, but I am sorry friend. You can not enter this place, only elf kind is allowed within the walls.” Though he held a authoritarian in his lyrics, he held a bit of calmness and clarity trying to smooth the creature. Turning to look within the walls again, he looked to his friend and patted the beasts strong neck. ”See if you can help him…” He said before once again passing the two and his guards, to once again sit by her bedside. His hands now trembling, how was she alive all these years? His kind raced, trying to piece together what happened. He didn’t know, but once he turned to his son the expression he held was one no other had ever seen. Sadness, desperation to understand. He appeared as if he was in a battle of his heart and his mind, he didn’t know what to believe. Was she captured? Did she go willingly? He needed answers. He needed her awake, but if she woke. Would she remember him? This anxiety that flowed over him, it caused him to just. Remain. @Elurielle

ElurielleYesterday at 6:45 PM Thranduil had indeed calmed Wynter, but he was still unsure and concerned for Elurielle, until.... He heard her in his mind. As Thranduil turned and began to walk, the beautiful steed rose up in excitement, then turned and circled a few times, rising and jumping up on his front legs, obviously happy. The excited snorts and a quick rub to Thranduil's beast who was considerable larger was an indication that Wynter was relieved and happy. Elurielle had awakened but not opened her eyes for she had heard the screams in her mind from Wynter. She immediately began to sooth him mentally. Wynter let her know how kind the Elven King was to him, and also let her know that Thranduil was heading back into the palace. She opened her eyes with a bit of a wince, but the pain was no where as bad as it had been. Her mind felt like it was sore, but she did notice than when Wynter mentioned Thranduil, the pain increased. It seems he was a connection to her pain, as was Legolas, but Legolas was not as harsh. Curious.. very curious. She sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the bed and was rushed at by one of the healers stopping her, telling her not to get up. She looked at the healers. "I cannot stay here, I must go." (done) @Thranduil

ThranduilBOTYesterday at 7:04 PM He had entered the room and stood at the door, the pain was quick but he was accustomed to such pain. ”You will do no such thing. You and I have business to discuss.” He said, rather harshly, but he wasn’t trying to be harsh. Waving his hands at the healers, they bowed their heads and left. His gaze never met hers, not until the room was cleared. ”Where are you from?” He asked plainly, dryly to be honest. Arms crossed across his chest, his head bowed down slightly as he now walked and looked down at her. His eyes held a calm, peaceful appearance to them but deep within was a deeper sorrow. ”You come from Mordor… funny. After beating Sauron you show up, how are you connected?” He had to know, he had to know and to help break it. She wasn’t going anywhere, not anytime soon. He needed her, yet he would not show such things or tell her. Something was not complete, something was still missing. The great elk remained still, feeling the pressure of the other he watched and shook his head. He was calm, docile and yet rather alert to everything around him. Snorting he nudged the other, as if settling the rules nature of him. Lowering his head he used his antlers to gently nudge him again, this wasn’t the time to be excited. They were not done yet. @Elurielle

ElurielleYesterday at 7:16 PM The minute Thranduil appeared, she froze. This was an intimidating Elven King for sure, yet something in her heart stirred. Odd. She did not know him, yet she felt she did. The pain in her head was starting to throb, but not as much as before, but she had not looked up at him. She kept her gaze upon the floor, still sitting on the edge of the bed. A better position to be in if she decided to bolt. She cringed as he connected her to Sauron. This struck anger in her, how dare he!? She winced and shook her head once to thwart off the rising pain in her mind, but to no avail and it caused her to snap at him. "You ask questions, I have NO answers. I seek answers and how DARE you suggest that I have a connection to that vile evil vermin, Sauron!" She stood up, not looking up at him, knowing the pain might be excruciating, but watched his hands instead. "You cannot keep me her against my will." (done) @Thranduil

ThranduilBOTYesterday at 7:27 PM He made one motion and that was to silence her, if it didn’t work he would know immediately. Sensing the anger he couldn’t help but smile at that point, he gave a rather soft chuckle. ”Oh I can, and I will until I know why you came from there and why you ended up saving my son.” Though he was not going to be ungrateful for her rescuing his child, but he was not going to be as easy to gain the trust of. ”You will be entrusted to my son, Legolas. For the time being, for now. Those headaches you have will not be as terrible as before, if you want to keep it that way and maybe fully be cured. I suggest you stay within my realm, consider this. Your home. For now…” He said with his back to her, his face was full of pain and dismay but he closed his eyes and gathered himself. Turning he fully looked at her, the flames gave her the right light. She shined so brightly, her beautiful unmatched in every way. ”My precious white gem…” He found himself saying a loud, but quickly cleared his throat and walked from her to the doorway. ”Legolas!” He called as he walked, once his son had arrived he turned to him. He saw her, and in his heart he knew. He knew. It was her, but he couldn’t trust her. He needed to know where she has been, why she never returned, and why she was in Mordor. Even if he lost her again, he wouldn’t put his kingdom or his son in that danger again. ”You are to keep her in your sights, she is not to leave this kingdom. Not. One. Foot.” He said now pushing his authority, making his point very clear. Looking back, then to his son he walked to the front gate, whistling as he soon seemed to jog to a run. The great elk had watched, before soon striding beside his friend. Feeling the Elvan King grip his antlers, he helped him a top his back. He knew where they were heading, he needed his mind cleared. @Elurielle (Self rp in ⁠forest you can still reply here and I’ll come back after your post)

ElurielleYesterday at 7:38 PM She was a tall Sindar Elf, but next to him she was quite small in stature. The anger in her threw caution to the wind and she looked up at him as he told her she would not leave, and parted her lips to argue when the pain surfaced again. She lowered her head to avert the pain as best she could, and the timing was interesting when he spoke her pain and a cure. What did he know of her disease? And why did HE cause her mind to burn with pain?? "The pain is too much, it flourishes in this place! I MUST leave! I need Lord Elrond or the Lady of Light to help me, I shall perish if no help is rendered..." She dropped to sit down on the side of the bed, tears falling, but she tried to hide them. "I do not wish to burden your kingship with this, please.. let me leave." She took a bit of relief that Legolas was to be with her. He was kind and perhaps she could persuade him to allow her to leave. (done) @Thranduil

LegolasBOTYesterday at 7:46 PM "Father, I need to a word with...." His words halted as his father hurried off. Again. Odd. He drew in a long deep breath, knowing that when is father was ready, he would speak with him. For now, he must tend to this woman that has sent his father into a whirlwind of emotions. Entering the room, the guards shut the door behind him, "click" was heard as they locked the door behind him. He looked at her, she appeared to be crying, was she dangerous? Had his father seen something that he had not? He moved to sit next to her on the side of the bed."M'Lady, dry your tears. I am sure my father intends to help you. He is unsure of who you are, and I, now, am as well." He reached for something to hand to her for her to dry her eyes and handed it to her. "Please, be calm. We wish to help, but we some answers. Mordor was Sauron's domain, so you must see why my father is so confused and upset."

ElurielleYesterday at 8:08 PM She slowly got control of her emotions, accepting the cloth from him to dry her eyes and nodding at his words. Once her breathing calmed, she did not look to him, yet spoke softly. "I swear that I do not know why I was in Mordor, just that I was. I did not know of Sauron's demise until we made it to Dale. My entire world vanished. Seems it was all an illusion. Thankfully, Galadhorn & Estelwen were not illusions.: She looked to him with a twinge of pain, yet continued. "I feel the pain that I am causing your father. I will not be the cause of that. I MUST go to Rivendell to see Lord Elrond and then Galadriel, they will know what to do. They will know if I am going to die or if they can offer a chance a healing." (done) @Thranduil

Legolas឵BOTYesterday at 8:13 PM He remained sitting beside her as he listened, though he did care for the women he was cautious so he rose and stood against the wall across from her. ”I will say I believe you, but my fathers words are law. You have free roam here M’lady, but you mustn’t leave the realm. Not until my fathers knows what to do next.” He worried about him, he was not the same man as he use to be in his childhood. His eyes trailed to her, as he tilted his head. ”You get headaches often? My father had said he took half of that pain into himself, and with some time it should be less and less.” He seemed to mumble under his breath, his right hand rose to his chin as his mind thought of possibly outcomes. ”For now, we have spare rooms. Would you like to go see them?” He knew her answer would most likely be no, for she was determined to leave so his next statement would be just like his fathers. ”Or I can keep you in a cell, your choice.” Though he was caring, kind and rather gullible to some situations. He was no fool to cross his father. @Elurielle

ElurielleYesterday at 8:27 PM She had the ability, though she rarely used it, to sense others thoughts or emotions. "You worry for him as well. My presence here is not good for him. I do not know what it is, but I feel some connection to him, be it good or bad, I do not know. I just know that I am causing him great pain, Legolas, for his sake, you must let me leave!" She was trying so hard to gain her freedom, though she sensed it was useless. She was also mentally soothing Wynter, assuring him that she was alrgiht, yet he knew the darkness was still upon her mind, but the older Elf had helped her tremendously. "Your father has relieved the pain that I feel, it is bearable now, but it still exists. For that, I am quite thankful, but again, please, M'Lord Legolas, let me seek those that can help me." She looked at him awaiting his response, and as she did, there was something about him, something, that stirred her heart as did for his father.. what was this???? She looked concerned to him hoping it would help him let her go. (done) @Thranduil

Legolas឵BOTYesterday at 8:48 PM He watched her and sighed, listening to her plea he felt this gnawing ache in his chest. He didn’t know why, but it was as if his own mother was begging. He gently took her hand and held it softly, he didn’t apply pressure but the look on his face told her his answer was no. ”Im sorry…” He let go of her hand and knocked on the door, a click sound echoed as he stepped aside. ”You are to be in my sights until my fathers return.” He said simply. He hated this, but he knew his father… but what was his reason? @Elurielle

ElurielleYesterday at 8:51 PM She let out a sigh, again, sensing his feelings. "I understand. Perhaps I am being unreasonable fueled by fear. My apologies. I should not have placed you against your father. " She was doing her best to relieve him of his stress. "I shall like to rest, but I have a bit of an allergy to cells." She managed a small smile as she looked at him. (done) @Thranduil

Legolas឵BOTYesterday at 8:54 PM He chuckled at her comment, before he shook his head. ”I thank you for your understanding, and I can assure you there is nothing to fear from anyone of us here. Especially my father. I have never seen him look, let alone help, another one from Mordor. Normally their killed on the spot.” He said and looked down, only to hear the steps of his father. ”Father…”

ThranduilBOTYesterday at 8:58 PM Returning from the forest, he was covered in their blood as he had released his anger and now was fully back to his senses. Yet this time, his demeanor had changed and was now a completely calm man. ”M’lady. I apologize for my actions, but I am sure you can understand my concern. You hold a Mordor power, and I must be sure it will not cause trouble with my realm.” Our realm. He thought the last part, his eyes held a soft, clarity to them. Turning to his son, he simply nodded. ”I will speak with you later, we shall discuss more then.” His guards had moved with him, taking armor from his body as he moved until only his sword was left behind. He looked down at her and gently took her hand, his head was throbbing but to him this was nothing. Slowly he drew closer, lips pressing into her head as he whispered taking most of the pain she would feel for a while. Wincing slightly he looked down at her again, before turning and walking down a hall. There he gripped his head, his other hand held his stomach as he took a breath.

LegolasBOTYesterday at 8:59 PM Nodding as he watched his father, shocked by what was happening he looked between the two. His father showed more kindness than he ever has, what was the cause. ”M’lady?!” @Elurielle

ElurielleYesterday at 9:11 PM She stiffened when she heard the footsteps, then Legolas' stating: Father. What would he do to her now? Was he more angry? She was going to be stuck here and once realizing that, she had thought how it must be for them to have a stranger appear from the darklands with an illness that might spread to them. Seeing the blood, she became concerned, more so than she should, but she was an empathic healer, something he and she evidently had in common. Though, was he aware that she could sense his feelings and some thoughts? It did not matter, she was not one to use them in the wrong way. He was calm, stoic and in control. A complete change, and he was being... kind to her? Even after what Legolas had told her how he treated those from Mordor? This is one complicated Elven King. She smiled, and felt him take her pain, she lifted her hands to his chest to push him back, though, he had already taken some of the pain from her, but not all of it. It was horrid, it was unrelenting, this disease or illness was powerful, yet she wanted him to think he had relieved her of it completely, so she smiled at him. "You have a great talent, Your Majesty. I am most grateful." She rose as the guards removed his armor, glancing to Legolas, then back to the King. "Tis why I wish to leave, Your Majesty. I am causing you and possibly your kingdom pain and distress. I wish only to rid you of the agony that you are experiencing." The king walked out the room, did he hear her? He was in "her" pain, she felt it in him. She looked to Legolas, nodded to him and moved to follow him. (done) @Thranduil


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