LegolasBOT — 07/07/2023 3:16 PM
He sighed and took a rest her deep breath, his hand placed on his head as he watched what happened. ”Leave him for now m’lady.” Offering his hand out to her with a rather, confused, expression as he soon looked to the entrance. ”I am sure someone here wants to see you, he can be placed in the forest with fathers. If you will allow that, but he can not enter here.” Though Legolas had mixed feeling about this entire thing, confusion, disbelief, and a small amount of jealousy. His father was showing this women, a being of Mordor, kindness! Ridding himself of these thoughts, he felt a kind of protective spirit over her. Like he had to keep her safe, she was important. ”I am sure my father will hear you, but for now it seems a lot is troubling him.” Looking to where his father vanished. (edited)
ThranduilBOT — 07/07/2023 3:21 PM Though he was not able to rid himself of the headache, he remained hidden from their view. He indeed heard her, but he was not about to give her a response. With this feeling his mind raced, only one being could have this much power but he was not sure this is what was happening. He had to learn more. Walking down the path he was on, it opened to reveal his realm of tunnels and halls. His eyes looking at every single thing, making himself grounded as he passed many. He was on a mission, and now he needed his own answer. Was. It. Her. Turning down a hall that not many dared set foot, webs lined the walls dust filled the air as his steps were placed on the stone. This room, this section of his kingdom. Was hers. Looking at the doors, he felt a pain surge through him as he winced almost falling to his knees, but he remained standing. Opening the door, a gust of wind exploded stirring every particle within its bounds. Once the dust settled, he looked around the room. Nothing had been changed or moved, this was her space to be. Her. Looking to the wall, one portrait stood tall. One of the both of them, and an infant Legolas. His eyes filled as he looked at her in the picture.” It is you…. My White Gem.” @Elurielle — 07/07/2023 3:21 PM Though he was not able to rid himself of the headache, he remained hidden from their view. He indeed heard her, but he was not about to give her a response. With this feeling his mind raced, only one being could have this much power but he was not sure this is what was happening. He had to learn more. Walking down the path he was on, it opened to reveal his realm of tunnels and halls. His eyes looking at every single thing, making himself grounded as he passed many. He was on a mission, and now he needed his own answer. Was. It. Her. Turning down a hall that not many dared set foot, webs lined the walls dust filled the air as his steps were placed on the stone. This room, this section of his kingdom. Was hers. Looking at the doors, he felt a pain surge through him as he winced almost falling to his knees, but he remained standing. Opening the door, a gust of wind exploded stirring every particle within its bounds. Once the dust settled, he looked around the room. Nothing had been changed or moved, this was her space to be. Her. Looking to the wall, one portrait stood tall. One of the both of them, and an infant Legolas. His eyes filled as he looked at her in the picture. ” It is you…. My White Gem.” @Elurielle
Elurielle — 07/07/2023 5:59 PM She was growing so tired, mentally, emotionally and physically. She had managed this pain for a very long time. It has been mild at best, but excruciating when she had those blurred images in her nightmares, so now that she was here, made her wonder if the illness had spread, and if so, why were the healers unable to help. How is it that Thranduil can only numb the pain, not relieve it? Well, he pulled some of the pain from her and dealt with it himself. She now understands how others feel when she uses the same healing talents. There is some guilt, a judgment of self-worth compared to the healer. She now gets it, but she also knows that none of that matters to the healer that has a dedicated, caring heart. They will and must heal if they see a need. She noted that Thranduil did not respond, though she felt he did hear her. It mattered not. She lifted her hand and slid it into Legolas', looking up at him. The resemblance between father and son was evident, but as she was, she noted they were both Sindar, yet the others that dwell here were not. They were Silvan. Interesting. Thoughts to keep the pain away in the future. She smiled to herself. "Legolas, at the risk of being annoying, please, I implore you, we must not allow your father to draw this pain or illness into him. He is much too important and will not be able to go on if he absorbs my plight. Trust me, I will manage. I have for some time now; it is just worse now. I have found that if I do not look directly at him, and sometimes, you, the pain is bearable." She was still unsure why her heart was going out to them both. She did not know them, yet she cared so much for them both, especially Thranduil.
A vision suddenly hit her, she was following Legolas to her chambers, so she would do her best to hide her reactions, but the image was a chain of white gems. It only flashed in her mind, but it felt like a knife had been driven into her mind. Estelwen had shown her how to thwart the pain by immersing her mind on something else, something she could focus on. So... she reached out to Wynter. Telling him to be calm for her, to stay with the King's beast and rest, for she would need him rested. Wynter spoke back mentioning that he was scared for her but understood and trusted her words. Now the pain had all but vanished. It worked. Thank Valinor! (done) @Thranduil
LegolasBOT — 07/07/2023 7:21 PM
He couldn't help but chuckle at her comment, as if he had any power over his father. "If I had that power, then things would not be this way. I have no power over what he does, he is my king and I must do as I am told." He said with a rather loud sigh. Sensing the wariness she was feeling, he motioned for her to follow him to the bed chambers. Once they reached the end of that hall, the tree opened up and around them. Their home. He walked down a stone path leading down, his hands folded behind his back. He felt the gust of wind, now he seemed to be alarmed. Where did his father go and what did he just do. Where did that wind come from, but he pushed it aside and looked down the walls lined with torches and lights. Turning every once and a while to see if she followed, she did. "Your room is the last one of the left, I will be in the halls if you need me. Do not worry, I will know if you try and run. You will not get far, so please don't make me chase you...." Though he was gentle with his tone, he held a serious manner to him as he looked at her. She looked like him, and that is what confused him the most about her. @Elurielle
Elurielle — 07/07/2023 7:42 PM Her eyes trailed along Legolas' face as he spoke, but her gaze did not linger for she was not wanting the pain to start. She continued to keep her mind busy as to not let the pain increase, but being in this place also seems to be haunting her. She focused on Legolas as she followed him, noting he was the same height as her, but she dismissed it as being the same Elven race. Though he and his father were very handsome striking elves, they were both very disciplined and intelligent, once again, her adoration for them was surprising her. She, too, felt the breeze, furrowing her brow wondering what caused a draft in such a place, but that would be none other than an opening to the outside, perhaps? She noted the direction that the breeze had come from. Her thoughts interrupted when Legolas mentioned where her room was and the warning of not trying to escape. Although he was being quite serious, something in him, wanted me there, perhaps just idle curiosity? Or perhaps his father's reactions need explaining, something, I too, wish to know. Rather lavish was this room, very nice for a "prisoner", she looked about to see if there was a window. She looked at the comfortable bed, she was so tired, dare she try to sleep in the place that is causing her mind such discomfort? She needed to try. Rest is the best way to retain your wits and strength. She moved into the room, still looking it over, and sat on the bed. (done) @Thranduil