DataLore_89 — Today at 7:20 PM
Galadhorn stands tall amongst the second children of Iluvatar. Though now, he tries to hide his height and attempts to blend in with the men around him. He looks over the table to the graceful Elven woman sat opposite to him “Elurielle! There is little to be found here, in these lands of men. If you are to recover yourself and all that is now lost to you, we must make haste and travel elsewhere.” He bristles as a group of bustling men move behind him. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:23 PM
She lifts the cup of smoldering tea to her lips, glancing at him over the rim. "Aye, sure is full of men here." She grins at Estelwen, of course, she is teasing. Galadhorn, I tend to agree, but we must rest. "Are we not safe here?" She glanced past him, arching a slender silvery brow, watching the men behind him. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:26 PM
Galadhorn ignores his drink, instead addressing Elurielle “We may be safe, yet we are no closer to helping you find the answers you seek. I bear no enmity to the like of men, but I hesitate to say that we are closer to uncovering your past here than we would be elsewhere. I regret to ask, yet again, but what is the last thing you remember from your life before?” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:30 PM
She draws in a long deep breath, the cup of tea finding the table gently, her expression shows that she is seeking the answer. She squints a bit as the darkness on her mind causes her pain when she tries to recall that which Sauron wants her to forget. "I remember falling into darkness, before that I recall when I was a child, but things come to me slowly. Like this place, seems quite familiar to me, but I don't know why." (done)

Estelwen watched her with concern, then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Easy, I hope it will all come back to you. I fear something magical or some head trama has caused this." She glances at Galadhorn. "Be delicate, dear." She smiled at him. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:33 PM
Galadhorn’s expression hardens “Then perhaps I have erred. It is my belief that you must follow that feeling, wherever it takes you. There are forces in this world besides that of Sauron’s, perhaps you are meant to find the meaning you seek here, wherever that might be.” He peers around, a mingle of anticipation and disgust on his face. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:36 PM
She leans forward, whispering to him. "I am not fond of this place, either. You are fine to ask questions, Galadhorn. You are helping, I thank you for that." She sips more tea, again glancing around. "Perhaps we should head out in the morning?" (done)
Estelwen narrowed her eyes at the other men in the place. "I do not trust these ones." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:44 PM
Galadhorn nods in agreement towards Estelwen before turning to Elurielle “Yes. It would be best to cover as much ground as possible when there is little light, the state of the world seems better yet I am still wary of any evil that may linger.” (done)

Elurielle — Today at 7:49 PM
"Very well. I trust your instincts, Galadhorn. They have never led us wrong." She was pretty much recovered after saving the male elf. They do not know, perhaps she should tell them. Her face shows that she has something to say as she thinks.
Estelwen nods and grabs the mug of ale and drinks it down. Then almost spits it out. "This stuff is swill! I crave for good Elven wine!" Ever being watchful, her ears perk as she hears someone behind her making reference to pointy ears. She raises her eyebrows and looks at Galadhorn. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:55 PM
Galadhorn notices Estlewen’s expression and his right-hand slides to the finely crafted dagger at his side “My heart tells me that there is more to be found in Mirkwood, where those bandits had attacked our kin. I do not know of how much more use I may be to you, there will come a time where my intuition will fail and you must choose our course. I believe that this is one of those times.” His eyes dart between Elurielle, Estelwen, and the men from whom the remark about ‘pointy ears’ came. His hand clenches the hilt of his dagger ever so slightly as his back tenses and he sits up a little taller “Whatever your judgement may be, I would not be opposed to departing sooner than tomorrow, Elurielle.” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:59 PM
Estelwen has her hand upon her dagger as well, having turned slightly in the inside of the booth next to Elurielle. "I think we should go now." Her eyes upon the others in the tavern.
Elurielle sensed and heard everything. "Let's go back to my room, discuss where we go from here. There is something that I must tell you both, but alone." She decided they should know everything that happens, they are her companions, but her friends and well, she considers them family. Elurielle slides from the booth, standing, leaving a few coins on the table to more than take care of their drinks and food. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 8:03 PM
Galadhorn would rise and draw his hood more tightly around his face. He moves to walk next to Elurielle and follows her to the room upstairs. Then, he would say in Sindarin loud enough for both Elurielle and Estelwen to hear “We should be wary of unwanted ears.” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 8:07 PM
Estelwen speaks in Sindarin as well. "This filth extends to the patrons in her, I see." She moves to flank Elurielle on the opposite side, and heads with them to the stairs, her nimble fingers still wrapped around the hilt of her Elven dagger.
Elurielle smiles as if they both said something nice, just to fool those thugs that are watching and listing, hoping that they are left alone. She looks to the room to no one in particular as she continues to smile, heading up the stairs. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 8:09 PM
Upon heading up the stairs, Galadhorn will open the door for the others to make their way in. He would bow his head subtly when Elurielle makes her way in. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 8:51 PM
The two ladies go into the room, nodding to Galadhorn for his opening the door. He was such a gentleman. Both ladies took a seat at the table, ready to talk about their next move. "I hope those undesirables stay away from us. You never know what one may due upon the influence of alcohol." Elurielle stated as she sat down. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:10 PM
“Indeed,” nods Galadhorn “they lack the grace of the Eldar, many here drink to drown their sorrows rather than in celebration. It pities my heart to think why they would be drawn to such deeds. Yet that may not be for me to understand.” Galadhorn moves into the room and takes a seat at the table “So, where to from here?” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 9:17 PM
She looks to Estelwen, then to Galadhorn. "The only thing I can think of is to find my ancestors. Something happened in the Forest of Mirkwood, whilst you and Estelwen were fighting off other bandits, a blonde male elf, looked to be Sindarian, was injured very badly. After fending off his attacker, I quickly dropped to heal him. Oh, it was horrible, the poor lad had died. Yet I pulled him from the clutches of death. It drained me, that is why I was a bit tired on the ride into town. Wynter helped me regain most of my strength, she is amazing, she is, but there was something about that young male elf, I can't put a finger on it, but I felt as if I knew him, but I didn't. Anyway, I left before he could talk to me, knowing you both needed my help. Now I wonder if we should seek those Elves out in Mirkwood. What do you think? (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:51 PM
“I too long to see my kin again. I am in favour of seeking out the Woodland Realm. What say you Estelwen?” A far-off memory appears to be in Galadhorn’s eyes, like the twinkling of the stars at twilight. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 9:54 PM
Estelwen looks pretty much the same at the thought of going to the Woodland Realm. "Ah yes, such a glorious and beautiful place, I do miss it so!"
Elurielle watched them and began to smile. "Well, then, it is settled. If visiting the Woodland Realm puts that look upon your faces, then that alone is reason to go." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 10:04 PM
“Then, shall we depart at first light?” Galadhorn glances towards Elurielle and Estewen. “I am happy to travel earlier; I do not think I will recall this place with much mirth.” His eyes sweep over the somewhat ramshackle room, noticing every small imperfection or blemish. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 10:12 PM
Estelwen nodded happily. She was quite uneasy and nervous about this place. Elurielle smiled. "Let us travel at first days light." At that moment her snow owl flew in the window and landed on the windowsill. "Well, where have you been?" She smiled at the owl, then she nodded. "That was nice of you." She looked to Galadhorn and Estelwen. "Seems she made sure the young male Elf was alright. Good Job, Spirit!" (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 10:20 PM
“Might I inquire as what this elf you saved looked like? He may be a captain of the Woodland guard, and so either Estelwen or I may know of him.” He arches an eyebrow. (Done)
Elurielle — Today at 10:25 PM
She tilted her head as she thought of how to describe him accurately. "He was young, about your age, I believe, quite handsome, long blonde hair, dressed quite well, carrying a well-crafted bow, or at least it looked to be, it was beneath him as he lay on his back. Striking facial features, looked of royalty and Sindarian, I would say, and again, I cannot seem to forget how I felt when by him. Perhaps it was because I brought him from the clutches of death." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 10:40 PM
“If that is so, then it would indeed make sense to me that he is ingrained in your memory. I do not specifically recognize him, though if he was of Sindarin descent, then I imagine he would not be difficult to find in the Woodland Realm. It would seem the path is laid out before us.” (done)