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Elurielle In the Dungeon Cell / Guarded (4-23-23)


Elurielle04/24/2023 2:39 PM

A gentle knock on the door, then she saw that food on a tray was slid thru a small trap door on the floor. It was a very elegant and nice setting with what smelled and looked like something that a lot of time had been spent on. This was odd, were they scared of her. They wouldn't even enter the room to bring in her food? She was so upset, she was not sure if she could eat, but she picked up the tray, sat down and tried to eat because she needed to keep her strength up. She managed to eat a little, drank the water from the goblet and then put the tray aside. She decided to try talking to the guards. She moved to the cell door, leaning against the frame. "Guard? Are you there?" Silence. She asked again, this time she was answered. "Aye, M'Lady. Need something?" She sighed. "Is it possible to see the King? Or get a message to him? I do not understand why I am here. I have done nothing wrong. I saved his son! This is no way to treat me! Please get my message him! Or tell Legolas... please..." She was getting silence again. She turned, moved to the bed and lied down. (done)


I do not claim copyright to any images. They are used only to indicate the character's appearance. I will remove upon request. 

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