Elurielle — Today at 8:57 AM
She smiles at his words, heading to the place where she will sleep, then she stops, looks skyward. "Spirit (her snow owl) watch over us. Wynter (her elk mount who has been roaming the forest around them very quietly, Let us know of anything as well" Soon, she is lying down. "G'night all, may we all sleep well this night." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:02 AM
After an hour or so, Galadhorn perceives a disquieting sound. He immediately perks up, dropping his bow with one hand and drawing his sword with the other in one smooth motion. He then, paces around the camp attempting to locate the direction the sound came from. However, pressed by growing anxiety, Galadhorn crouches and obscures himself in the undergrowth. He then steals over to the tent where Elurielle and Estelwen are sleeping. “Elurielle… Estelwen… You must awake, something stirs in the trees around us.” (done)
Maverick02 — Today at 9:07 AM
Legolas and his company see familiar faces beyond the trees and walk swiftly to meet them. He approaches the white haired she-elf. "I did not get to thank you for saving my life, my lady, i am eternally grateful". (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:11 AM
Galadhorn whips around at Legolas’ approach then, realizing he is the Prince of the Woodland Realm, quickly sheathes his blade and brings his right hand to his chest “Mae Lovannen, my Lord Legolas. I was not aware it was you.” He bows following the greeting and steps aside as Legolas appears to be addressing Elurielle. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 9:16 AM
The snow owl was there, but saw no reason for alarm, for she "knew" Legolas and the other elves as good, so no warning was given. Yep, need to have a chat with her. (The owl). Hearing Galadhorn, Estelwen is upon her feet, then lowers to one knee, head lowered. "My Lord, Legolas. We meant no intrusion" Elurielle had been in a deep sleep and was confused at the awakening and let out a small yelp, especially seeing the young male Elf that she had healed, well, resurrected, but quickly gained her senses, and was fully awake. She scrambled to her knees, lowering her head, now that she knows who he is! "My Lord Legolas, had I known it was you, I should never had left so abruptly. My friends were in danger of those bandits, and I needed to help them. Please forgive me." (done)
Maverick02 — Today at 9:29 AM
"All is forgive my lady", Legolas says with a soft smile. "I am sure you are tired, allow me to escort you to my father's Woodland Palace, I am sure he will want to hear of your arrival". Legolas looks to Galadhorn and greets him heartily "It is good to see you again, I hope soon we can spar together, you have the look of a warrior ".
Forgiven *(done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:35 AM
Galadhorn’s expression lightens at Legolas’s invitation “My Lord, you impart upon me great honor in judging me worthy of sparring against one such as yourself. Of course, I shall make the arrangements necessary to train with you. But putting that aside for the moment, what tidings come from the Woodland Realm? Was the Golden Wood victorious in repelling Sauron’s assaults?” An expression of intense focus plays across Galadhorn’s face. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 9:39 AM
Elurielle lifts her bright blue eyes up to see Legolas's face, the smile on her face brightens, seeing that he is, indeed, most well. She waits as Galadhorn responds and was happy for him, for she knows the respect he has for the Prince. Estelwen rises and brightens at the thought of going to the woodland realm. "Such a wonderful invitation, thank you, Lord Legolas." (done)
Maverick02 — Today at 9:40 AM
Legolas gives a stern look, "Indeed we did, we sent the filth back whence they came. I assure you they will not return anytime soon, and should they return, they will face the wrath of the Woodland Elves".
Legolas sees the spark in Elurielle's eyes knowing she will soon see the woodland realm, "Come my friends let us make haste to the palace". (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 9:47 AM
“Those are good tidings indeed! And if the enemy were to strike again, they would face my wrath alongside the wrath of all my kin.” He bows once again before excusing himself “Excuse me, my Lord, I must prepare our supplies for the journey ahead. I will happily defer to your guidance through the woods.” Galadhorn then promptly moves away from the cluster of Elves and begins to stow away the tent whilst packing any other supplies they would wish to retain on their journey. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 9:52 AM
Estelwen is already gathering in utter excitement, packing things quickly, her sharp Elven ears are also listening for any other sounds of the woods, she is always on the alert. Elurielle is watching the exchange between Legolas and Galadhorn with adoration and appreciation for them both, almost like a proud mother. As Estelwen starts to move around, it gets her attention to also help. "It's such an honor to be able to be here with you, Lord Legolas, and it would be wonderful to venture into the Woodland Realm." (done)