DataLore_89 — Today at 6:47 PM
The Eastern Entrance to the Elf paths of Mirkwood
Galadhorn peers, questioningly at the statue “Hmmm… I know this figure. What do you think Estelwen?” He does not turn to face Estelwen, instead, he moves forward towards the statue and begins to inspect it more closely. His arms are crossed, and he appears to be in thought, almost blankly looking up at the stony face before him. (Done)
Elurielle — Today at 6:53 PM
Estelwen has an odd look on her face. "I do believe that be the prince. Hard to tell since it has so much growth upon it and some of it is damaged around the nose, but sure looks like him and would sure make sense." Elurielle rose and moved toward the statue. "It favors the elf that I saved, could it be? Noo..." She looked at them both with a surprised look on her face. "I saved a prince? Blessed be! And yet I sped off, in rudeness. Oh my, he may not have liked that." Silly of course, but now she was a bit worried she may have insulted him. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:00 PM
“Ah, I thought I had recognized it!” exclaims Galadhorn “Do not worry yourself, Elurielle. The prince is benevolent and wise, I believe he will forgive your departure. Perhaps he may repay your aid with gratitude, and we may be allowed entry into the Woodland Realm.” He turns to investigate the depths of Mirkwood “If we are to ask for him or seek him out, we may yet be granted entry by the prince and by the prince, no less!” A lingering smile plays at Galadhorn’s lips, and he shoulders his bow in readiness as he peers into the Mirkwood. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:04 PM
Estelwen glances at Elurielle and they both smile at Galadhorn's excitement and at the prospect of entering the Woodland Realm. "I shall say that it was quite the odd feeling I had with him, such familiarity, yet I do not know him. Gives me chills." Estelwen tilts her head as she thinks about what Elurielle said. "Interesting, maybe because you thought you were healing him but in fact were resurrecting him made that a stronger connection? Whichever it is, I am ready to start this journey through the forest." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:08 PM
“That makes sense, but alas, it is beyond my knowledge.” Galadhorn turns towards Estelwen and Elurielle “Come, let us follow the Elf path until we find the Woodland realm. It is not so long a distance when guided by two who have lived here for an age.” His head turns to Estelwen “It has been some time since I was last in the Woodland Realm, I would be most grateful if you would correct me, lest I err in our course.” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:12 PM
Estelwen smiled at him, anxious to return to their old stomping grounds, so to speak. "I dare say, you know this place best of all, but when you stray or err, I shall tap your shoulder and whisper to you." She laughed, kissing his cheek and darted into the forest path. Elurielle laughed at them and then turned as Spirit landed on her shoulder. "Good idea, Spirit, do so." The white owl took flight down the path. "She's going to scout up ahead for us." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:17 PM
Galadhorn is surprised but chuckles and follows Estelwen into the forest “Hopefully you can keep up, Elurielle! Estelwen is the quickest warden I know!” He steps lightly and gracefully across the roots and stones littering the Elf path as he follows Estelwen. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:20 PM
oh surprise, surprise, Elurielle was one of the most adept, skillful female elves, she was not only quick, but she was making use of branches and shortcuts to catch up to them both. How she knew this, is beyond her. Once catching them, she spoke quietly. "Shhh.. stop here, Spirit sees something and said to wait." (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:24 PM
Galadhorn halts abruptly, stealing into any foliage or undergrowth nearby and knocking an arrow on his bow. Then, in an almost imperceivable whisper he asks, “What does Spirit see?” He looks to Estelwen and nods towards her, indicating that she should adopt a similar position, a tactic that they would have practiced many times before. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:27 PM
It was if she read his mind, Estelwen, also hid and readied her bow, following their lead, Elurielle, moved behind a tree, an arrow already in her bow. "Boars. She be trying to run them off the path" In the distance, they can hear the boars squealing and grunting, not to mention the howl of the snow owl. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:29 PM
Hearing this, Galadhorn deftly leaps up onto the lower branches of a tree, motioning for the others to follow. He runs silently along the branches with a practiced grace, slightly drawing his bow at the same time. He then climbs higher in an attempt to see the boars up ahead. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:32 PM
Estelwen is loving this. It was like old times, she was following Galadhorn, but getting mind updates from Spirit, Elurielle strolls slowly down the path, her mind seeking that of the boars to assure them of their safety. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:39 PM
Galadhorn will ready his bow almost fully drawing back, but seeing Elurielle enter the fray, he lowers his bow and watches the scene below keenly. He indicates for Estelwen to go to one of the branches around him “Do you see what his happening? I trust Elurielle, but I hope this is not folly. In any case, be prepared, Estelwen.” (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:45 PM
Estelwen nods following Galadhorn's indication to the branches, moving so quiet and fast, then she sees Elurielle moving into the path toward the boars, and in a loud whisper. "What are you doing?? It's not safe!" The boars all stop and look toward her, grunting and few snorted, then they dispersed, some going left of the path, some right, but they left. Spirit landed on the ground in front of her flapping her wings and jumping. "Oh, Spirit, you did fine, but best to make friends, who knows if we pass this way again, we may need their help." She picks up the owl, hugs it, then it wiggles and flies down the path. Elurielle smiles. "Well, that was interesting. I dare say, my companions are amazing!" (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 7:51 PM
“And I would agree with you,” says Galadhorn hopping down from the trees a few feet from Elurielle “it is good not have to fight something occasionally. I had hoped the boars would be friendly, but in these days where the woods are tainted by the Dark Lord, it is wise to be wary.” For but a moment, the seemingly perpetual expression of weariness and alertness leaves Galadhorn’s face, only to return only moments later. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 7:53 PM
Estelwen sees this, and also realizes that the light is fading, they never did get a bite to eat. "Perhaps we should find a place to camp. Elurielle totally agrees, nodding. "Yes, and Spirit can keep watch, as can Wynter. She is out there keeping quiet as we travel" (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 8:04 PM
Galadhorn nods and stows his bow away whilst taking out the necessary supplies. He does not start a fire, for fear being seen and damaging the trees, but he sets up a log and a small tent for Elurielle and Estelwen. He then removes from his bag few pieces of bread and cheese that he had bought in Dale. He carefully wraps each piece in a leaf before handing one to each to Estelwen and Elurielle. He then lounges back upon a large root and hums a tune he had heard long ago when he and Estelwen were young “Do you remember this song, Estelwen? I can never quite recall what it was about, yet I recall hearing its melody. Perhaps our mothers had sung it to us when we were young?” He looks inquisitively at Estelwen, but also turns his gaze towards Elurielle to indicate that the question is open for answering by either. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 8:10 PM
Estelwen is also preparing the camp, finally having a seat to rest. She smiles, looking thoughtful at Galadhorn. "I believe it's a fae song. I remember envisioning lighted little fairies flitting around the forest as my mom played the harp and sang it softly. Remember, I told you and you said I was such a girl!" She laughed recalling the memory. Elurielle laughed, also settling in and enjoying some quiet time, though the woods seem unnerving for some reason. "Well, Estelwen, you are such a girl!" (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 8:15 PM
“Ah, I was not as imaginative as you were in those days, Estelwen.” He smiles sadly “To my mind, the fae in the story were simply personifications of the forest. I don’t know why I felt like this, but maybe it was because I knew the forest to be tangible, it had feelings and it made you well aware of them.” The feeling of nostalgia once again encompasses him as he continues to hum the melody “So, ever do I defer to the two of you in matters where wisdom is needed. You see farther than I do.” He nibbles at his bread. (done)
Elurielle — Today at 8:19 PM
Estelwen nibbles her bread, feeling nostalgic as well. She smiled listening to his humming. Elurielle was nibbling her bread as well, was looking to the ground, staring, trying to recall her childhood. It was there, it was blurry, but at least it was not hurting her mind to think on it. She was other kids running and jumping, playing the forest, a forest which was bright, green and alive with glee. (done)
DataLore_89 — Today at 8:28 PM
Galadhorn finishes his bread before placing the leaves respectfully at the foot of a nearby tree. He then curtly says “Get some rest, especially you, Elurielle.” He adjusts the sword at his waist and grabs his bow alongside his quiver before leaning upon the same root, scanning the area around them for any signs of movement or danger “I hope you recover something of what you have lost, Elurielle.” Following this, he resumes a seated position, but this time does not lounge back. (done)