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Rivendell Bound / Nightfall Camp (4-23-23)


Updated: Apr 29, 2023

DataLore_89 — Today at 7:30 AM

A few hours later, Thranduil dons his travelling gear which is nothing more than a slightly more durable version of his normal clothing. But flowing behind him is a graceful cape signifying his stature and exacerbating his poise. He leaves his private quarters, promptly followed by two guards, and heads to the main entrance where he’d arranged to meet Legolas prior to their departure. On the way, Thranduil inspects his various troops, and though they number only few, they are laden with the finest armour and weaponry nearly surpassing Thranduil’s own should he have worn it. He greets each of the higher-ranking officers and issues a few short commands in Sindarin before waits for his son and his prisoner to arrive. He stands surrounded by his guards and moves little as he waits, deep in contemplation at the prospect of this elf maiden being his long lost wife. (done)

Maverick02 — Today at 7:56 AM

Legolas walks through the massive stone doors, Elurielle close behind him. He dons impressive elvish armour, bright mail beneath a cloak of silver-grey. Mithril, as light as a feather but stronger than iron. The scabbard on his back holds Orcrist, the blade shines bright, and cuts through armor like butter. Legolas stops in front of Thrainduil before speaking. "Father, are we ready to depart, are the men ready? " He asks politely.

Elurielle — Today at 8:02 AM

She had asked Legolas what was going on and he had told her that his father was seeking advice and possibly help in handling this situation. She was scared to death just now and had made sure to wear her cloak with the hood up so Thranduil could not see her face. She did not want another reaction like before. She had been crying so much, she also did not want that to be seen. She was trying to be strong. If not for the mind conversations with her pets, Wynter and Spirit, she might have broken down completely. She did not have her memories of experiences to give her confidence or courage. She was a shell of who Thranduil had fallen in love with. She stood silently next to Legolas as Thranduil approached. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 8:08 AM

Thranduil approaches Legolas and Elurielle, marveling at the mail he wears while discreetly observing Elurielle for any signs of deceit or trickery. “The men are ready to depart, in fact, I have detachment on their way forward already…” He ends on a firm tone holding the last syllable a moment longer than normal. He cocks his head to the side then, noting Elurielle’s hood is drawn, he turns and begins walking over the bridge leading into what is now Eryn Lasgalen. “Come! Let us depart at once!” (done)

Maverick02 — Today at 8:24 AM

Legolas, with Elurielle by his side, walks briskly behind his father. They make their way through Mirkwood and across the misty mountains, the march to Rivendell is long and tiring. Legolas and Elurielle have plenty of time to catch up, but it's awkward with his father a few feet ahead of them, so they resort to whispers. Legolas is constantly scanning his surroundings; these lands are plagued by packs of Orcs.

Elurielle — Today at 8:30 AM

Elurielle keeps close to Legolas, for she does not have her weapons, or her wits about her, although her pets are following at a safe distance, well until Spirit, suddenly lands on her shoulder, whispering into her ear. ""Miss, how can we help? Why are we to stay away? We want to help"" The second Spirit lands upon her shoulder, she yelps from the nervousness and fear that was strangling her body as they walked. In her mind to Spirit and Wynter... ""Stay back! I do not want you harmed!! Stay at a safe distance! Please... Go!!!!"" She lifts her hand to shoo Spirit, not hitting the small white owl. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 8:57 AM

Thranduil turns his head to the side, thinking he heard the flutter of wings, but as he turns to look at Legolas and Elurielle walking amidst the troop of guards he does not notice anything out of place. He turns more fully to examine Elurielle’s condition, and his face emanates the power of a hardened king, yet beneath it all he looks upon her to ensure welfare. Although he does not trust her and does not put this kind of dark sorcery past any remnants of the Shadow, he still holds on to a lingering shred of hope. To him, this hope is a mere shred of memory like a torn flag waving in a desolate wasteland. But he still holds on, if this is indeed Elurielle, the one whom he had loved so long ago, one whom he remembered the touch of, and the one who was the mother of his child, then he had to do everything in his power to save her from this doom. He will do everything to save her from this doom. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:06 AM

Legolas noticed the bird or something, but before he could react the bird hastened into flight so quickly that he may think it was the sun flashing thru the trees. Elurielle was stiff, and unwavering in movement, and continued looking forward, head tilted downward, so as not to allow the King to see her face. She sensed his movements when he turned to look at her and Legolas but made no indication that she did. Spirit and Wynter spoke to her in her mind, telling her they would help if they thought harm was to come to her or the two men, and would scout ahead for their safe travels. Legolas may see her head nod as she spoke in her mind to her pets. She also sniffled, still scared, still weeping a bit from fear, sadness for upsetting this powerful king, his son and that she feared she had very little time left in Middle Earth from the darkness that ate at her mind. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:25 AM

Thranduil raises his hand, “Halt!” After a quick smattering of commands, the soldiers stop and make a hasty camp to rest for a few hours. Thranduil dismounts the elk and turns to Legolas, “We shall rest here for a few hours, we have ample protection here. Do not fret – healer” He says jarringly yet still maintaining control, his head cants slightly, “ – we are quite safe here.” (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:38 AM

At first, Thranduil startled her and she gasped, lifting her eyes toward him, but keeping her head down. She watched him dismount, he was quite an impressive looking Sindar Elf and King, even though he scared her with his stoicism and strong persona. She nodded as she watched him dismount and waited for help to get down from her mount. She was being extra careful not to create or cause any sudden movements as to alarm them. Those guards were also making her a bit uneasy. She was not used to this. If she knew her past, she would have been, but she has no memory of this and hence, her personality was changed to be so scared and timid instead of the confident Queen Thranduil loved.

Legolas looks to his father, nodding. "Yes, the mounts and the guards need to stay rested and alert." He looks to Elurielle, dismounts and moves to help her. "Come, it will be ok, we shall rest, and find a solution in Rivendell. Lord Elrond is the wisest of all and will help. Do not worry, Mo.... Miss." He almost called her Mother but thought better of it for his father's sake. And there was some doubt, so he did not want to be misled, although, the connection he feels with her is quite strong.

When Legolas almost called her mother, she lifted her head quickly to look into his eyes, causing the hood upon her head to slide back and some of her beautiful blond locks to fall forward. Not realizing this, she then looked to Thranduil to see his reaction to Legolas' stumble at almost calling her 'Mother" (done)


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