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Rivendell / Elrond / Galadriel (4/30/23)


Updated: May 1, 2023

Thranduil (DataLore_89) — Today at 10:11 AM

In the courtyard of the Last Homely House

Thranduil leads the way, mounted upon his elk up through the path. It had taken them a few hours to find the hidden, white stones that marked the path to Rivendell, but his scouts were able to find it nevertheless.

As they make their way over the bridge spanning the Bruinen they are greeted by the face of the fair High Elves. Amongst those who greet Thranduil’s envoy are Lindir and Glofindel, counsellors of Lord Elrond who are held in esteem among the wise. Amongst the people of Rivendell can be seen elves of a different sort, though not possessing in any particular physical features that would mark them as such, their garments show they are from the land of Lorien. Thranduil dismounts and begins greeting Lindir and Glrofindel, eager for news of their people’s movement West and the reinstatement of Arnor in the lands of Eriador. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 10:18 AM

Such a gloriously beautiful place, Rivendell, though some changes have taken place since the thousands of years since she had been there, it was still heartwarming and beautiful. Being there, seeing it, filled her with hope for the first time in a very long time. She managed a faint smile when she saw Lindir and Glofindel, knowing them both. As they stopped, Legolas dismounted and stood next to Elurielle's horse. She waited for him to tell her when and if to dismount. He, also, greeted the two esteemed Elves with the customary Elven greeting. He waited for his father to speak to them on the reason they were there. (done)

Glofindel, counsellor of Lord Elrond

Thranduil (DataLore_89) — Today at 10:23 AM

Thranduil wastes no time introducing himself to the Lilndir and Glorfindel, “Greetings, Advisors of Elrond! It is long since my kin, nor the woodland people of Mirkwood have set foot in Imladris, it is good to be here. I see the Galadhrim have made their way over the Hithaeglir in kind. There is a matter with which I must consult with Lord Elrond upon immediately, one that requires his particular branch of lore.” As he speaks, Thranduil attempts to grace every inflection or downward tone with more care than he had previously done, desiring to appear worthy of countenance as a member of the noble Sindar. (done)

Lindir, counsellor of Lord Elrond

Elurielle — Today at 10:32 AM

Legolas extends his hand to help Elurielle down. She is beyond nervous because she is still not sure what will happen. The darkness on her mind has been kept at bay, thanks to Estelwen's help on how to do so. She was still a bit uncertain about the Elven King, he sure has kept his distance from her. She walks with Legolas toward his father, keeping her hood up, not wanting to disrupt things with the King. (done)

Thranduil (DataLore_89) — Today at 10:55 AM

Thranduil momentarily tilts his head in a glance towards Elurielle, but he stops himself prematurely and turns to the fore. There is a small wait before Elrond himself, the Lord of Imladris, descends from the steps of his home. He takes a moment to survey those present, his piercing eyes hold the wisdom of a long-lived king, yet his face bears the strength of a young and proud warrior. His eyes follow each face from Thranduil, to Legolas, and finally to Elurielle. On this last beat, a measurable crease develops in his brow, though he does not appear angry nor perturbed, “I know of your plight Elurielle. Let us see, with King Thranduil’s leave of course, if may in some way remedy it. There is some strength still in you, daughter of the noble Sindar… perhaps you will indeed begin to mend…” He trails off as he half-turns and raises an outstretched hand behind him and towards his house. (done)

Elrond, the Lord of Imladris

Elurielle — Today at 11:00 AM

She wants to run to him and hug him for she has not seen him in so long and she hopes he will help her, but she knows better, and that is it not appropriate. She, however, can not stop the tears pooling in her eyes, wishing to be healed and happy to be in his home. She waits for Legolas and his father to follow Elrond's lead. She draws in a long deep breath, and in her mind, tells her pets to stay back and not to cause a scene no matter what happens. (done)

Thranduil (DataLore_89) — Today at 11:02 AM

Thranduil moves forward without skipping a beat. The Battle of the Five Armies may have changed him in many things, but one it did not was his eagerness to please and his desire for renown. Hence, he strides forward ahead of his son, standing tall and in semblance of the Sindarin lords of the First age. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 11:03 AM

Legloas touches Elurielle's shoulder to follow behind Thranduil. She moves to follow, keeping a good distance behind him. (done)

Thranduil (DataLore_89) — Today at 11:16 AM

Elrond pauses as Thranduil makes his way up to him before following side-by-side. He lacks the haughtiness possessed by Thranduil, yet he too knows his place among the elves and upholds his duties as such.

As the envoy makes their way in, they are greeted by a long, horizontal corridor. Immediately in front of them stand two oaken doors, carved finely with the rich elven motifs of vines and foliage. Through this and a series of other doors they are led through to the Great Hall, a place of merriment and feasting for the people of Rivendell.

On the way to the hall itself, a number of melodies glimmer in the air. Their yet unsung beauty fulfilling itself in illustrious moments of flair and beauty. A few minstrels and entertainers descend from a nearby staircase and join the guests as they enter the Great Hall. Many enticing aromas as lingering in the air, leading weary travelers to the replenishment of good food and a warm hearth. Here, many young and old elves are seen, and even a handful remain of the original troop of elves marching east from Valinor to Middle Earth. The guests are all presented with seats, armour and weapons are removed and more regal capes and overgarments are worn in preparation for the feast. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 11:24 AM

Elurielle moves slowly behind the two esteemed, Elrond and Thranduil, having Legolas by her side, she actually takes his arm, for she has not been eating and is feeling a bit wary. Legolas notices this and moves his arm around her to steady her. She whispers. "Sorry, I think I am ok now." She pulls from him, no wanting to bring any more attention to herself than needed, especially from Thranduil.

From what seems like out of nowhere, Galadriel appears and moves toward them, greeting all of them in kind but hastens toward Elurielle, taking her hands in hers. "My dear, I see the darkness upon your mind, it veils the memories of your King and son. Do not fear, all will come to light and the darkness shall dissipate as did it's creator." Elurielle was startled and relieved to see Galadriel. She remembered her and her love and adoration of the charismatic Elven woman. "I fear my time is near, M'lady Galadriel. The pains are worse each passing day. I welcome any help, for I have caused much distress to the Elven King and the Prince." Her head is lowered, while tears begin to stream down her face. (done)


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