As Elrond, Thranduil and Legolas turn to watch the interaction between Galadriel and Elurielle, they overhear her soft caring and all-knowing words of encouragement, then silence falls between to the two as they hug. Though, Galadriel whispers to Elurielle in her mind:
""My dear, do not despair for Thranduil's actions are of one who has mourned the heartbreak of the love of his life for over a thousand years. He struggles within. It has changed him. As king he must protect his kingdom and its people, as a heartbroken husband, he longs for the vision to be what he hopes it to be... his beloved wife returned. So tis love that causes him to be distant for he is confused, but he is a strong mighty king, and he does his best to keep his emotions in check. This effort of his to bring you to us, is a monumental task yet he does and without waste, so do not hasten to judge him harshly. Do not judge yourself harshly. All will come to light; all will be as it should. The darkness shall dissipate from the brightness of the light. This task will not be easy, but I believe we can help you, but you must be willing to endure the pains it may bring as I know you can and will.""

She releases Elurielle's hands, smiling at her, and gasps happily at the sudden wrapping of Elurielle's arms about her in a warm thankful hug as she whispers. "You are ever a blessing, and I love you so much, M'Lady of the Light. Thank you!" She feels a bit embarrassed at her sudden show of emotion in front of Lord Elrond and King Thranduil, so she lowers her head and steps back from all of them, speaking softly: "Sorry." (done)