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The Woodland Realms - Halls of King Thranduil (4-16-23)


King Thranduil
Thranduil is a Sindarin elf (Vigorous Stream) Age: 6000+

Elurielle — 04/16/2023 6:59 PM

She tries to use her foresight to see Galadhorn's father, but is unable to, something she has lost for some reason. Wynter and Spirit are in the realm, but out in the wooded area. She tells them to keep alert and be safe. Legolas instructs some of the guards to follow, then looks to Elurielle. "Come, Let us get you to your chambers so that you can rest. I am told that my father has yet to return." Legolas indicates toward the doors that lead into the daunting halls.

She smiles, following his lead and the guards follow behind them. She was not sure why there were guards, but she didn't say anything. (done)

DataLore_89 — 04/16/2023 7:06 PM

An elf horn rings out through the woodland realm, one, two, and finally three blows ringing out. From outside the gates into the Elven king’s halls can be heard a marching force, many elves armed with bows and swords are marching around a central figure. The figure, Thranduil, outward from upon his elk-like mount, and surveys his home. The inklings of a smile may be seen on his face as he has returned triumphant. The company of Thranduil halts outside the doors as they are opened, upon which the Elven king dismounts and makes his way through. He is wearing battle armor and bears the marks of having experienced some skirmishes prior to his return. As he enters the halls, he beckons to one of his guardsmen to whom he says, “Find my son, quickly.” His expression is once again under his control, but his eyes are brimming with an undimmed excitement. He is eager to inform his son of the good news. (done)

Elurielle — 04/16/2023 7:12 PM

As Legolas and Elurielle enter the chambers where she is to stay, the footsteps of a guard is heard quickly approaching. "Lord Legolas, Your father has returned and requests your presence at once!" Legolas nods, turns to Elurielle. "My father has returned. Please rest, I shall come for you after I have informed my father that you are here."

She smiles a nervous smile, she is feeling odd feelings in this place and must not think of her memories that are darkened so that she can remain well enough to meet the King. "Thank you so much for your hospitality, and if he is too busy to bother with me, I shall take my leave." She moves into the room. Legolas bows and leaves abruptly. (done)

DataLore_89 — 04/16/2023 7:18 PM

Thranduil is now in his room, removing pieces of armour one by one and donning his simple yet elegant robes alongside his crown of thorns now adorned by spring leaves and green in appearance. He then sheathes his sword at his side, ensures his hair is straight as should be fitting of a Sindarin king before making his way to the throne room. There he reclines upon his throne, one leg crossed over the other and with both hands resting upon the arms of the seat itself. He awaits his son with the same eagerness that he had before still apparent in his eyes, yet with a level of stillness and poise he has regained since returning. (done)

Elurielle — 04/16/2023 7:22 PM

Legolas was, indeed, anxious to learn of what had transpired with his father. Middle Earth was changing, Mirkwood was changing, and the air was feeling clean for a change. He hurried as gracefully as possible to the throne room. His Elven senses detected that his father was pleased. "Father, welcome back. You seem to be well, I hope that all was achieved, and you bring good news." Legolas stood looking up at his father who was perched elegantly and powerfully in the Elven Throne. (done)

Elurielle was looking around this room that she was staying in. It was rather lavish, not fit for a commoner at all, but royalty. Impressive. She, however, felt familiar, safe, and almost comfortable in this realm. She place her pack on the nearby table, removed her cloak, and her armor, her bow was by the bed and her daggers were with her, always, then put on a nice dress, but it was one that would not prevent her from defending herself if need be. It was a bit chilly for her, so she slid her dark blue ornate cloak back on, then she would lie down, for she was quite tired. (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 6:24 AM

Thranduil looks up from and immediately leaves his throne, while normally he would not be one to demonstrate affection very often, he was learning as a father. And if the 70 years since Battle of the Five Armies taught him anything, it was that Legolas was more precious to him than anything else he currently had. He clasps his son’s shoulders and says “Legolas, the Woodland Realm is once again purged of the filth of Sauron, The Necromancer. Lord Celeborn and I have made arrangements with the Woodmen and the Beornings, the Woodland realm is to extend south as far as the Mountains of Mirkwood!” He now unclasps Legolas’ shoulders, pleasantly surprised by the display that not even he expected from himself. He then continues in a more even-tempered voice, once again exuding complete control of the situation, maybe even a hint of smugness, “Lord Celeborn will then claim Southern Mirkwood, as the Lady Galadriel has cleansed Dol Guldur of its evil and they shall name it East Lorien.” While saying this, he has been pacing back and forth across the throne room. He then turns to Legolas with a look of pride upon his face before quietly saying, “No longer shall we suffer in the far reaches of Eryn Lasgalen.”(done)

Elurielle — Yesterday at 9:31 AM

Legolas is always so impressed by his father, even as he not much for showing emotion, but when his father rose and came down to meet him, he was a bit surprised. As Thranduil clasped his shoulders, it was as good as a big bear hug to him, he smiled as he listened to the pride in his voice, despite the control he used to remain calm. Legolas placed his right hand atop his father's arm as he did in response then lowered it as his father unclasped his shoulders. "That is great news. Long has the woods of Mirkwood endured the darkness. All shall be able to enjoy and be safe. Well done, Father. I like the new name, fresh name, fresh start. Galadriel's ring will no longer protect their home, will they be leaving to west soon?" (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 9:34 AM

“I know not whether they will leave to the west, my son. That is for them to decide.” Thranduil breaks eye contact with Legolas and begins pacing around his throne, “What tidings do you bear, Legolas? I have been away in battle against the forces of Gundabad and in meeting with Celeborn. Is there any particular news to report, or shall I begin preparations for our expansion southward?’ (done)

Elurielle — Yesterday at 9:39 AM

"I have a guest in the east chambers. She traveled with two companions and two pets into our lands. I brought her hear to meet you." He paused not wanting to upset his father, so wanting to tell this sensibly, he did not want his father upset with him for being caught off guard, or for him to blame Tauriel for not assisting him. "I was ambushed by bandits from the North, no doubt seeking golds and food." He paused and looked up at him. "Father, I was fatally wounded." (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 9:41 AM

Thranduil perks his head up slowly, and turns it to face Legolas, “Legolas… you say you were mortally wounded and yet you stand before me. How did this happen?” His poise and elegance falter momentarily, though none but Legolas would see it as he moves closer to his son, stopping before him. (done)

Elurielle — Yesterday at 9:44 AM

"It was.. this healer. I think she thought I was merely wounded, Father." Legolas looks into his eyes, seeing love and passion from his father, something quite faint before, but definitely there now. A change. "She did this whilst the bandits were still attacking us and her party jumped in. Yet she stopped to heal me and father, she rushed off, so once I found her again. I wanted to thank her, show her my appreciation and give her and her companions lodging. " He smiled, as he relived it and was thankful to be here. (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 9:48 AM

Thranduil’s expression softens, though still under his control before he asks calmly, “Where is this healer now? I would very much like to speak with her and express my gratitude. I also wish to see these companions of hers. Were they all Elves?” Thranduil’s brow twists into an expression of intrigue. (done)

Elurielle — Yesterday at 9:54 AM

He was still feeling a good feeling as his father's love and concern were evident, which warmed his heart and soul, though, as his father does, he tried not to show it. A tilt of his head and a faint smile, "All elves, Father, she looks to be Sindar. She is resting in the eastern chambers. I overheard them speak that she is one of the rare empathic healers and resurrecting me hurt her for days, but she has an elk mount that is able to help heal her. Would have been such a tragedy to lose such a soul. The other companions have family within our realms and are gone to find and visit them. I saw no reason to prevent this." Legolas hesitated as if he had more to say but didn't. (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 9:58 AM

“Hmm… you intrigue me more and more, Legolas. It is decided then, if the healer’s companions are known to us, they may reside here for the time being. But see to it that the healer herself receives an audience with me, I would like to thank her personally.” He raises his hand to his chest in an Elven greeting, “In the time being, I have other matters to attend. Navaer, Legolas.” Then, bringing his hand down and towards his son he waits for Legolas to reciprocate the greeting. (done)

Elurielle — Yesterday at 10:00 AM

Legolas does in reaction and respect. "Indeed, father, indeed. I shall set it up at once." Legolas nods to his father, turns and leaves. (done)

Elurielle Dressed to Meet the King Thranduil

Elurielle — Today at 7:29 AM

Elurielle was too excited to actually sleep, but she did lay down to regenerate her strength. She cleaned up, put on a ice outfit, one thing that she had was such a great gift was a "Bag of Holding" that was given to her by a traveling merchant. It help everything and remained light as a feather. That being said, she had a few outfits and dresses that she was able to grab to take along with her. She was wearing a lovely purple and gold dress, but she was wrapped in a long white hooded cloak. Now, sitting on the edge of the bed, hands clasped in her lap, nervously waiting. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 7:45 AM

Elurielle would hear the footsteps of Legolas and the guards that were outside her door moving about. A gentle knock on the door from the prince. "M'Lady, my father has requested an audience with you promptly. Are you ready?" She was excited, moved to the door to open it, smiling at Legolas. "I guess I am ready. I am most nervous. How shall I act? Am I dressed well to meet a king?" She adjusted the cloak's hood on her head, but the beautiful dress could be seen beneath the cloak. He looked at her and smiled. "You look just fine. Quite beautiful, to be honest, I believe he will be so thankful, that your attire will not matter. He is most grateful, as am I." He offers her his arm to escort her, out of respect and nervousness, she walked with her head down, which hid her face completely. They enter the throne room. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 7:54 AM

In the throne room, Thranduil can be seen seated in a lounging position and examining the contents of a scroll. His gaze is drawn upwards towards the two figures making their way into the throne room, Legolas and who he presumes to be the healer who saved him. Handing the scroll to one of his scribes, he stands and descends from the throne, regal and graceful in every aspect. He wears his crown of twigs and leaves complimented by his simple yet fine robe. Thranduil strides towards the pair as if floating across the room and stops short of the two figures. He towers over them, and his crown does much to accentuate this fact, “Ah, Legolas. I see you have arrived with your Saviour.” A smile plays across his face, and he salutes Elurielle and Legolas in the Elven fashion with his hand to his chest, “I have much to be thankful for these days, dear healer. And so it is that I thank you. I would be put at ease to know your name, for there are few healers of your abilities in these dwindling days of the Eldar.” (done)

Elurielle — Today at 8:02 AM

She has yet to lift her gaze to the king out of pure fear and nervousness. It was at that moment, Legolas realized he did not know her name. "Yes, father, this is...." He paused and looked to her. "I am afraid I do not know your name." She lifted her hands to the hood of her pure white cloak, and as she lowered it, her beautiful stark white (Sindar) locks spilled out. Her gaze lifted to the king in greeting with a proud smile of her past feats of healing. "Elurielle Nenluin of Mordor, healer, archer and animal channeler, your Majesty. I am most honored for the audience with you" She curtsied in respect. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 8:07 AM

Thranduil’s brow immediately clenches in confusion or anger, while his eyes portray a complex set of emotions. Only those with the quickest eyes could perceive the anger, fear, mourning, betrayal, and hatred that are conjured up by what he thought was his wife’s death. He backs away in shock, arm reaching for his sword, drawing it and holding it aloft to his side, “It cannot be, you fell! What dark trickery is this?! Guards!” Immediately a small force of guards moves to the Elven king’s aid, not yet attacking nor engaging with anyone, but prepared to defend Thranduil with their lives. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 8:14 AM

Legolas was shocked when he heard the name. He was extremely young when his mother had saved his life, pushing him to safety at her peril, falling into the abyss at Angmar. He, too, stepped back and took a defensive stance mirroring his father. "What is this?! Father, is it? How could it be??"

Elurielle gasped, having no weapons, she was defenseless. She looked at the king, his reactions, the guards all with weapons drawn, a nightmare! and with her nervousness and then this, well, down she went. Fainted. She crumbled to the ground in a soft thud, lying on her back." (done)

Maverick02 — Today at 8:26 AM

Legolas rushes to Elurielle, he gently cradles her head in his hand. "My lady! "he exclaims, "Mother!! ". Legolas is panicking, yelling at the guards to fetch the healers. "Hurry you fools, get help, quickly!"

Thranduil frightened
Thranduil Stunned at the sight of his wife, Elurielle

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:02 AM

“Legolas! What are you doing?! Get away from her! I know not what accursed sorcery has brought this about, but I will not have it taint you!” Thranduil slowly raises his sword in Elurielle’s direction but notably with a hint of hesitation, “My wife died in the dark lands of Gundabad. That is not your mother, Legolas!” (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:07 AM

The darkness on her mind didn't help the situation, because once she saw Thranduil something happened in her, and her mind began to burn and ache, then his reaction... it was just all too much. She may be lying on the floor, but her mind was racing, the pain was excruciating. She moved slightly, clearly in agony, low soft moans. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:17 AM

Moments after he speaks, Thranduil regains some control of himself. He stands once again as a King should, not an elf frightened of a haunting memory. He sheathes his sword, seeing that she is no longer conscious and therefore not a threat and addresses Legolas, “Have her taken to the dungeons, I want a watch placed on that cell at all times. She is not to move without my hearing about it!” Thranduil’s face is bristling with rage that Legolas would not have seen since the Battle of the Five Armies where he was attempting to claim the jewels he had once given her. He then turns away and approaches his throne, letting the guards and Legolas deal with the situation while he recovers. And although the distance is a small one, for Thranduil a million thoughts cross his mind and one feeling rises amongst the others. Doubt. He turns his head for a moment as if about to say something but not words are uttered. Then, glancing at the Legolas and Elurielle, he walks away from the throne room with his hand upon his brow as if in great agony. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:22 AM

Legolas froze, looking toward his father, torn. This woman brought him back from the dead, how could she bring him or his father harm. His respect for his father gave him pause, but he nodded to him, letting the guards lift her and take her away. She was still out cold, still in pain. Legolas stood there in shock as he watched the guards then looked to his father. "Father... do not leave... " He followed Thranduil, not letting him dismiss "this" conversation about his mother! (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:26 AM

Thranduil halts for a moment, letting Legolas catch up to him. He does not turn to face Legolas, instead, looking way from him in contemplation. A pained expression is upon his face and he does his best to hide this. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:29 AM

Legolas knows the pain this is causing his father, so he speaks softly and delicately to him. "Father, I know these pains you, but is she my mother? I know not what she looks like, but..." Father, when she healed me, I felt such a bond with her, as if I had known her all my life, I cannot explain it, but this would make sense, but why did she not know me, you? Something is very wrong here.. and she claimed to be from... Mordor." He hated to even mutter that word. (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:37 AM

Thranduil attempts to move past the pain, struggling for a few moments in silence where he does not answer his son, “You may be right, this may be your mother. But look at what we know, many others and I saw the Queen fall, and why has she not approached us before? The Shadow lingers about her whether she is false or not.” He then turns to face Legolas, “My wisdom is failing me, Legolas. I must seek a council with the Wise.” (done)

Thranduil & Legolas having a tough discussion

Elurielle — Today at 9:43 AM

Legolas hears the pain in his father's voice despite his trying to hide it. "Yes, there is a darkness on her mind. She suffers with it. I have seen it. She suffers with mind pain. One of her companions said it is when she attempts to recall a memory." His eyes widen looking up at Thranduil, after his faces him. "She was especially wrought with pain when she saw me a second time. Something dark and evil is going on. And she says she is from the darklands...." His voice trails off, knowing that his father is right, they both need council of a higher wisdom. "I shall see she is kept safe and of no harm to anyone, Father." (done)

DataLore_89 — Today at 9:47 AM

“Thank you, Legolas… I know… I know this can’t be easy for you. But I will get to the root of this, of that you have my word.” Thranduil then, simply forgetting any salutations, begins departing to his private quarters. (done)

Elurielle — Today at 9:51 AM

The guards were quite gentle for if this woman was indeed the queen, they knew to be very gentle, ye they must keep the king and prince safe at all costs. She was laid upon the bed in the cell, one of the guards even covered her up, for he recalled how kind of a woman she was when she was alive. Both guards excited, locked the cell, double checking it, then took up stance one on each side of the cell. She was safe and closely guarded. The king was protected. (done)


Outside the snow owl and elk had attempted to gain entrance to the castle, but after much effort, they stayed back, pacing and anxious, knowing something was wrong. No harm had come to them, they were quick as well as smart, but the guards told them to stay back or get hurt. Yes, they understood that but were still agitatedly pacing a safe distance from the guards and the entrance. (done)

Wynter, the healing elk

Elurielle — 04/19/2023 3:39 PM

In the middle of the night, Elurielle begins to awaken, mostly because Wynter and Spirit were in her mind, yelling for her. They sensed something was wrong. In her mind, she spoke to them, and may have been audibly whispering some of it. ""Shhh... keep yourselves safe. I am not sure what is going to happen, but no harm has come to me. This darkness in my mind caused me to faint. The king knows who I am. I cannot say much, else the pain will come back."" The owl and the elk became less agitated and moved away from the guards to rest. As, she opened her eyes, she saw the dark cold walls of a cell... she was confused, where was she? She became scared, tried to recall what had happened... oh yes, the King's reaction, he wanted to attack her!! Why??!! Wait... Mother? Legolas had called her that, but why had he not before, and how could that be, why didn't she recognize him.. At that moment, the dark pain in her mind began to muddle the memories of what had happened, and she did what Estelwen had taught her, she quickly started to think of Wynter and Spirit and when she met them... the pain subsided slowly. It was awful pain, she just knew her time was to end soon, she must have a sickness, she began to sob, which she did off and on all night. The guards checked on her, asking if she needed water or aid, she took water. She asked why she was there, and all they would tell her was: "King's Orders" (done)


I do not claim copyright to any images. They are used only to indicate the character's appearance. I will remove upon request. 

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