DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 7:43 PM
Thranduil is heard making more pointed orders in the direction of Elurielle’s guards. They part, revealing one guard with a flask and some food not dissimilar to Lembas bread wrapped in leaves native to Eryn Lasgalen. Thranduil watches like a hawk from the distance as the soldier offers her the food and water. (done)
Elurielle — Yesterday at 7:49 PM
She quickly raises her hood back up and looks away from the King, not wanting to upset him, but it appeared he never even saw her. Although, she tried to hide it, looking at him this time, caused her some pain in her mind, one of the images from her nightmares, which is why she turned her gaze from him, and lowered her head, listening to his commands about food. She did not feel like eating or drinking, but not wanting to be rude to the King, she waved away the Lemnas bread and reached for the flask. She spoke softly to the solder. "That's kind of you, thank you much." She pressed the rim of the flask to her lips and slowly drank. (done)
DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 7:53 PM
Thranduil watches the flask intently as Elurielle drinks from it, then moves away from the camp. Many of the soldiers are eating rations themselves, conserving energy and keeping up their strength for the last few marches through the troll shaws before they reach the valley of Imladris. Thranduil moves further and further out of Elurielle’s vision, culminating in a whisp of a shadow as his cloak graces the ground behind him… and he is gone. (done)
Elurielle — Yesterday at 7:58 PM
She glances toward the King as she is sipping, careful not to let him see her watching him. She was watching him because she was curious about the painful memory, but it did not present itself this time. She looked for Legolas, seeing him resting not far from her. She was still on her horse, so she handed the flask to the soldier, then slid off her horse. "Thanks, sir" She moved toward Legolas, sitting beside him. "I am so very sorry that I am causing your father such.... discomfort. Perhaps as he has wandered off, I should leave and put him out of this misery that I am causing." She was not looking at Legolas, instead her eyes found the ground, fully knowing that Wynter was out there, so she had a ride.
Legolas looked at her. "I do not think that would be wise. He shall not allow your escape, and you may find yourself shackled. He is bound to know the truth even if you will not tell it." He looked away. "I have no memory of you, or of my mother. My father never spoke of her." (done)

DataLore_89 — Yesterday at 8:06 PM
Thranduil returns after a few minutes, and his face looks more care-worn than any would have seen before. There is conflict in it, two sides in contest to see which one will prevail. But Thranduil’s resolve is strong, and he does not yield to his feelings. Almost as soon as everyone had sat down to rest, everything begins to move again and Thranduil mounts his elk to lead their envoy further toward the Vale of Imladris. Few of his people had been there but for messengers and emissaries, and now was a vital moment for his troops to be prepared. (done)
Elurielle — Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Elurielle slowly nodded to Legolas' words, knowing he was right. She saw the king return, so she rose and moved to her horse.
Legolas watched his father but said nothing. He has watched his father suffer the pain of having lost his mother. He knew to let him alone for now. He wished he could spare him the pain and was hoping this venture would prove to heal his heart and mind. He helped Elurielle get on her mount, looking up at her, offering her a bit of a smile, actually hoping she was his mother.
Elurielle smiled weakly back to him, and there was a moment, she felt a twinge of pain again, but it faded. She was getting pretty good at pushing it away, but something in her was sensing that the treacherous pain was soon to come. (done)